
AmericanChurch has been serving the offering envelope needs of churches worldwide since the early 1900’s. Technology advances have moved us forward to electronic giving and web communications—yet offering envelopes remain integral to attaining contributions and sustained giving. As your offering envelope experts, we provide you with exactly what you need.

Online Giving provides a convenient way for church members to make financial contributions. It also relieves church staff from managing secure account information. Online Giving is a web-based offertory solution that allows your congregation to make donations electronically from any location at any time. Administration is simple and easy.

Are you spending hours printing, folding, stuffing and sending communication materials? ACI offers the resources that can do it all for you, often for less than in-house expense.

You don’t have to be a computer programmer to maintain a healthy church website. With a computer, internet access and Easy Church Websites from ACI,  your website is super easy to maintain and update.

We include a powerful suite of tools to manage content, email accounts, calendars, e-newsletters and more. Yet, any approved staff or volunteer is able to update and work on it – it’s that easy!