File Format FAQs

Here are answers to some of the most common questions. Or feel free to send us an email or give us a call at 


Does my member information need to be in all capital letters?
The USPS does prefer that the information printed on the mailing piece be in all capitals, but ACI converts this information when printing the envelopes.

Do I need to send in the plus four zip codes when I am sending in my files?
No. Our internal process will add the plus four zip codes if they are needed. If you do wish to send in the plus four zip codes, they must be included in the same field as the five-digit zip code.

What if I do not use titles? Do I have to include them in the file I send you?
This column must be included as a placeholder, but you do not need to have information in the column. Your file must contain every column/field in the examples and in the exact order shown.

Will we have assistance with making this transition?
Yes. We have documented exporting instructions for the most commonly used programs here. By following the instructions, your file will be in the correct format. If you happen to have another software program that does not have documented instructions, we will help you find the easiest way to submit your file in the correct format.

Why do we have to change our file format?
In order to continue to offer our customers the best possible postage rate and to optimize delivery, we need to implement this change. We have a new system in place that will update your member’s address information. This will allow us to communicate the changes back to you electronically and save on your returned mail. You will see fewer returned packets of envelopes and in turn, reduce your cost.

Do we have any other options?
Yes, you can sign up for our Online List Manager (OLM). See more information about this free service by clicking here. OLM has many benefits, simply call your customer service representative to sign up for this free service today. If you do not wish to take advantage of OLM and want to continue sending your file through email, you must follow the guidelines of one of the approved formats.

I send my file in Excel, as a CSV or Flat File (Delimited). Why is it wrong?
While your file type is important, it must be in the order listed in one of the examples for it to be read properly.

Why can’t ACI make changes to our current file and send it back to us so that it is ready to comply?
We do not manipulate the files of any of our customers in order to avoid the possibility of human error. While we will not physically change your file, we will do all we can to help you with this change. If you sign up for OLM your file will automatically be compliant and you will not need to make any changes.